When collecting your goods, the type of vehicle needed will depend on several factors. Some of these include- total weight of the goods, the size of the goods, quantity of the goods, whether it's classified as a dangerous good etc. For example – if you intend on picking up a lounge or a fridge, you may need a utility vehicle or a truck.
Another factor to consider is whether you'll require additional man-power to load the goods into your vehicle. For example – bulky white goods and lounges will require at least two people to lift and carry.
If goods are being transported on the back of a utility vehicle and/ or trailer, they must be adequately tied down with straps or other. For example – bulky white goods and lounges should be tied down to a trailer so its secure (and won't fall out) during transportation. Customers should also comply with any overhang requirements if their goods cannot be easily seen.
For these reasons, we recommend that customers consider these factors prior to picking up their goods. This will save a lot of time and inconvenience.
For more information, please visit the road authority in your state. Information on load restraints can be found at https://www.ntc.gov.au/